Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself

Meaning of Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself Quote by George Bernard Shaw.

Meaning of Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself George Bernard Shaw quote photo quote 4k wallpaper and wall art poster

What is the meaning of “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

This quote was given by the great writer, George Bernard Shaw. Through this quote, he meant to say that most of us keep trying to figure out who we are. We keep trying to find out what life means to us. But instead of finding ourselves, we must create ourselves. Discovering ourselves and our capacities is good but we must push our limited and create new ones.

Most of us like to stay in our comfort zone, doing what we have always done. But life is much more than that. Life is about exploring yourself, doing what you have never done and what you think you can never do. You will be amazed on the many facets of yourself that you will be able to create. Life is about living to fullest. In the end, you must not regret not doing anything.


  • life isnt about finding yourself

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