Logic will get you from A to B

Meaning of Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere Quote by Albert Einstein.

Meaning of Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein quote photo

What is the meaning of “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.

Einstein’s comment implies that imagination is more potent than logic. Logic only helps you understand what is explicit. Logic is shaped by what we definitely see and know, while imagination doesn’t follow any restrictions. By being logical, one can explain a phenomenon, but it is only imagination that has the ability to create something new. Through all logic, human would never fly because we don’t have wings, and nothing stays up. But humans have always flown in their imaginings, and it is only out of the desire to see this imagination come true that the Wright brothers designed the first glider. Imagination helps one see out of the box, because there is no place for logic in one’s fantasies. Being coldly logical- going from point A to B- gives us tunnel vision, so that we are not willing to think about the promises that might lie outside our line of vision. Imagination shows a plethora of possibilities to choose from and act upon.

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