There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved

Meaning of There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved Quote by George Sand.

Meaning of There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved George Sand quote photo quote 4k wallpaper and wall art poster

What is the meaning of “There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.

Happiness has different definitions for different people. For some happiness might be being successful, for some it might be a lot of money and for some it might be landing on the dream job. But true happiness comes from only one thing in life and that is love. To be able to love someone and be loved in return brings so much pleasure and content in life that it is unparalleled.

In life there will be many instances where you will feel sad, depressed and low and we long for someone to comfort us and tell us that everything will be fine. This is the point where we seek to be loved. And loving someone truly frees us of many vices. It makes us selfless, thoughtful and giving. Love makes us happy and a better person. So love freely and be loved for a better and happy life.


  • https://piclry com/meaning-there-is-only-one-happiness-in-this-life/

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