Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Meaning of Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. :Lord Acton

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What is the meaning of “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This quote was coined by Lord Acton, a British politician. It explains in an effective manner what power does to men. People who have the utmost authority tend to exercise their influence for their own nefarious purposes. Most great men are also bad men with very few exceptions. These men have the power to re write history to glorify their wrong deeds and knowing that you have the authority and very little responsibility turns even the best of men and fills them with greed and a desire to reign supreme. This is evident in monarchies with no parliaments or other ruling bodies, where the rulers have the last say in most government matters and citizens suffer at the hands of such rulers. Monarchies such as this tend to serve only the rulers and you can find that the citizens struggle for even the most basic of necessities. Men with such power look at themselves as gods among men and their morals become skewed and history is a testament to this fact.

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